the power of the story: free webinar on sermon illustrations


Join us for CBP’s next free webinar on biblical preaching looking at The Power of the Story: How to find and use effective sermon illustrations. Humans are hardwired for stories: they are vital to how we understand and participate in the world around us. The engage our senses, emotions and imaginations. They help us learn and remember. Jesus was a master storyteller and knew the power of the story to convey deep truths. In this webinar our Director, Rev. Mike Raiter, will teach you how to find and use illustrations for your sermons.

Why not take 60 minutes to invest in your preaching ministry for the months and years ahead?

This free webinar is open to anyone interested in biblical preaching, whether you’re a pastor of a congregation, lead a preaching team, or just want to learn more.

this webinar has been recorded, REGISTER to access the recording: