top ten tips for clear communication - part two: free webinar


Join us for part two of CBP’s next free biblical preaching webinar; Top Ten Tips for Clear Communication.

Leading the webinar will be Rev. Phil Campbell; co-author with Gary Millar of the book “Saving Eutychus,” which has been helping preachers to keep people awake in the pews since 2014. The webinar unpacks the key material from the book on how to make your sermons clearer and more engaging by working on very practical, achievable and measurable communication skills.

The webinar will be interactive, with worked examples, and time for Q&A.

Why not take 60 minutes to invest in your preaching ministry for the months and years ahead?

This free webinar is open to anyone interested in biblical preaching, whether you’re a pastor of a congregation, lead a preaching team, or just want to learn more.

The recording of part one is available here.

this webinar has been recorded, REGISTER to access the recording: